Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Felted Tunisian Bag Design in progress

I recently came up with a very easy way to make a bag tunisian style.. you don't need stitch counts, just make it about 1/3 to 1/2 again wider and longer than you want the resulting bag to be. I hope to eventually write out the numbers, but for now.. here's what I have.

Here's a diagram of what I mean. I don't remember what size Tunisian hook I used.. probably a M or N. I usually reverse sc around the inside of handles, but it looked so strange prefelting that I decided to just do the top edge. Turns out that you don't need reverse sc on the inside of tunisian handles made this way.


Prefelting side 1 (I'm not very happy with the pooling here).


And side 1 felted.


Side 2 Prefelting. I like this a lot better.


Post felting.

The edges look very wavy here.. and it needs a shave!!
